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Legend (WetUtilities/StormStructures)

Inlet Top/Invert (18)
Manhole Rim/Invert (17)
Outfall Top/Flowline (16)
Weir Top/Flowline (15)
Fitting (1)
Cap Cap
Cleanout Cleanout
Collar Collar
Junction Junction
Other Other
Inlet (2)
Curb Inlet Curb Inlet
Grated Inlet Grated Inlet
Lift Station (3)
Manhole (4)
Standard Standard
Access Access
MH with CPS device MH with CPS device
MH with H-Basket MH with H-Basket
Outfall (5)
Pollution Control Device (0)
Dual Hydro Separator Dual Hydro Separator
Interceptor Interceptor
Oil-Water Separator Oil-Water Separator
Storage Facility Pt (6)
Trash Capture Device (7)
Connector Pipe Screen (CPS) Connector Pipe Screen (CPS)
Hanging Basket Hanging Basket
Hydro Dynamic Separator (HDS) Hydro Dynamic Separator (HDS)
Inlet Filter Inlet Filter
Tree Well (8)
Tree Well Tree Well
Valve (9)
Weir (10)
None None
Abandoned Storm Fitting (13)
Abandoned Storm Manhole (12)
Abandoned Storm Inlet (11)
Abandoned Storm Outfall (14)