| Rural Residential (RR) |
| Urban Low Residential (UL) |
| Urban Low Medium Residential (ULM) |
| Urban Medium Residential (UM) |
| Urban Medium High Residential (UMH) |
| Urban High Residential (UH); UH-6 |
| Neighborhood Commercial (NC) |
| Service Commercial (SC) |
| Highway Commercial (HC) |
| Office Commercial (OC) |
| Large Office Commercial (LOC) |
| Community Serving General Commercial (CSGC) |
| Isabel Neighborhood (IN) |
| Neighborhood Mixed Low Density (NML) |
| Neighborhood Mixed Medium Density (NMM) |
| Neighborhood Mixed High Density (NMH) |
| BCP |
| Low Intensity Industrial (LII) |
| High Intensity Industrial (HII) |
| Elementary School (CF-E) |
| Fire Station (CF-FS) |
| Intermediate School (CF-I) |
| High School (CF-H) |
| Community College (CF-JC) |
| School General (CF-S) |
| Research and Development (CF-R&D) |
| Hospital (CF-HOSP) |
| Civic Center (CF-CC) |
| Cemetery (CF-CE) |
| Government Services (CF) |
| Airport (CF-AIR) |
| Bart Station Parking (BART) |
| Parks, Trailways, Recreation Areas (OSP) |
| Limited Agriculture (LDAG) |
| Agriculture/Viticulture (AGVT) |
| Hillside Conservation (HLCN) |
| Large Parcel Agriculture (LPA) |
| Resource Management (RMG) |
| Sand and Gravel (S&G) |
| Water Management Lands (WML) |
| Downtown Area Specific Plan (DA) |
| Residential Development Area (SV-RDA) |
| Agricultural Preserve (SV-AP) |
| Regional Open Space (SV-ROS) |
| Vineyard Commercial (SV-VC) |